I bought a shredder. It’s pretty neat; it’ll even shred CDs and credit cards. It shreds stuff into confetti rather than strips. I’ve been shredding everything in sight; I’ve had to stop myself several times. Yes, I will need that bank statement. I should open that bill and pay it rather than shred it unopened. Having run out of current stuff, I was going though old piles of crap and shredding stuff… I was shredding some sales material from a Linux convention I attended three years ago when a really cool bumper sticker from EFF fell out of what I was about to shred and into the intake. I tried to pull it out but it was too late.

In other news, I’ve left my name for Katrina relief in five different places but haven’t had any calls. My boss said I could take two weeks to go help but I have to go now; it doesn’t seem like it will work out. There seems to be a gap between unskilled and RN/MD where help isn’t needed at present. has given blood; conveniently, I was sick on that day.